Sneem Black Pudding Igp
Sneem Black Pudding is a traditional blood pudding uncased and tray-baked in trays (approximately 500 mm x 200 mm x 75-100mm) and is commonly sold in squares or blocks of between 500g-1 kg. The finished ‘Sneem Black Pudding’, sold to the customer, has a deep red-brown colour. The pudding can be consumed without further cooking if desired.
Lo «Sneem Black Pudding» è un tradizionale sanguinaccio non insaccato e cotto in forno in una teglia delle dimensioni approssimative di 500 mm x 200 mm x 75-100 mm, comunemente venduto in quadrati o blocchi da 500 g a 1 kg, prodotto con sangue di pecora, mucca o maiale